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About Sobi’s Code of Conduct

The Code applies to all Sobi employees worldwide, as well as temporary personnel, consultants, and others acting and/or working on our behalf. Line managers in Sobi are responsible for making the Code known in their teams and promoting and monitoring compliance with the Code. The Code is updated regularly, and training is provided to all Sobi employees and temporary personnel.

Managing social, ethical, environmental, and human rights impacts in our supply chain is part of our value chain approach to embedding corporate responsibility throughout our business. We work with our partners to raise the understanding of sustainable business practices outlined in Sobi’s Partner Code of Conduct.

Making the right decisions

The Code covers many situations and gives clear dos and don’ts where possible. If the answer can’t be found in the Code, then ask yourself these four questions:

Is it aligned with Sobi’s values of care, ambition, urgency, ownership, and partnership?
Is it consistent with Sobi’s mission to support the rare disease community?
Is it legal, and is it ethical?
If it got into the news, would it support Sobi’s reputation?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then don’t do it. If there seems to be a conflict, ask for advice.

Unethical behaviour or actions could jeopardise Sobi’s ability to deliver on our mission. Therefore, violations of our Code are not tolerated and may ultimately lead to disciplinary action. Any disciplinary actions will be decided according to the nature and severity of the breach and according to applicable laws and regulations.

Speaking up

We are all responsible for fulfilling the objectives of the Code, not only by following the requirements ourselves but also by preventing violations. Concerns about potential violations of the Code or unethical behaviour should be raised.

  • Encourage and support employees and others to whom the Code is applicable to report any possible violation of the Code or law, or if any violation of company policy has occurred.
  • Conduct a prompt investigation of any alleged violation and take appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action.
  • Prohibit any retaliatory action against anyone for making a good-faith report of a suspected violation of the Code, any law, or any company policy, even if a subsequent investigation proves the report to be unfounded.

How to raise concerns

If you have concerns or questions about possible ethical misconduct or suspect a possible violation of the Code of Conduct, any law, or any company policy, use the Sobi Compliance Hotline.

Raise concerns as a Sobi employee

If you are a Sobi employee contact:
•    Your line manager
•    Your HR business partner or
•    Compliance or legal department personnel

If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use the Sobi Compliance Hotline.