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Connect patients with clinical development

What we commit to

When we perform in-house clinical trials at Sobi, we will continue to ensure that our protocols are patient-centred, patient views are heard and communication around trials is provided in a transparent and patient-friendly way.

In phases of clinical research not directly or fully owned by Sobi, we commit to putting our efforts into making information available and driving connections to foster inclusion of patients in existing clinical research.

What we have done so far

At Sobi, we recognise that early engagement of the patient voice is vital. It ensures well-designed clinical studies and minimised study burden. By actively involving patient experts, Sobi paves the way for future medicines that truly meet patient needs.1,2 Sobi engages patient experts during the study-design phase. Patient experts provide valuable input on the clinical design, with a specific emphasis on patient-relevant outcomes. Their insights help shape the study protocols and end points.3

Sobi’s clinical patient councils play a pivotal role in shaping clinical research and development. The clinical patient councils bring together patient organisations worldwide, along with cross-functional Sobi teams. Together, they collaboratively plan and execute disease awareness activities and clinical studies.


We will measure impact through:

  • Number of protocols with patient input heard
  • Number of protocols with patient input incorporated
  • Number of feedback loops activated


The Sobi departments involved are:

  • Clinical Development
  • Patient Engagement
  • Compliance
  • Legal (depending on project)
  1. Sobi. Patient Voice Central to our R&D. Available at:
  2. Sobi. New Research Reveals True Unmet Needs Among People Living With Haemophilia. Available at:
  3. Sobi. Clinical Treatments. Available at: