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Nurture capabilities

What we commit to

We will continue to support patient education through recognised patient-driven entities, thus elevating their role and their interactions with other stakeholders.

What we have done so far

Sobi has ongoing partnerships with the European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) and Patient Focused Medicine Development (PFMD) to support the education and involvement of the patient community in shaping the healthcare environment.

Sobi has a seat on the EUPATI board and on the PFMD Strategic Advisory Board in representation of the pharma industry, and participates in the co-creation of training modules for patient experts as a member of the Patient Expert Training Committee.1


We will measure impact through:

  • Number of new expert patients supported
  • Number of interactions continued
  • Number of effective interventions shaped with/by patient experts


The Sobi departments involved are:

  • Patient Engagement
  • Compliance
  • Medical
  • Legal (depending on project)
  1. Eupati. Governance. Available at: