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Our therapies are concentrated within the areas of haematology, immunology and specialty care.

Within haematology we provide extended half-life recombinant replacement clotting factor treatments for haemophilia A and haemophilia B, and a medicine for chronic immune thrombocytopenia, a condition characterised by abnormally low levels of platelets in the blood.

We also provide treatment for paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), an acquired, rare, chronic, potentially life-threatening blood disease commonly characterised by persistently low haemoglobin, thrombosis and debilitating symptoms.

The field of immunology has long been at the heart of what we do at Sobi, allowing us to gain extensive experience over many years. Our Immunology portfolio allows the treatment of serious, disabling or even life-threatening rare diseases.

Sobi specialty care also provide important medicines in the area of genetics and metabolism.


The area of haematology covers a wide range of conditions, including those involving red and white blood cells, coagulation, platelets, and bone marrow.


The field of immunology has long been at the heart of what we do at Sobi, allowing us to gain extensive experience over many years.

Speciality care

We provide products for the treatment of genetic and metabolic diseases as well as a number of specialist indications.

May, 2023