Haematology is the area of medicine dealing with diseases of the blood
The blood system is complex. It has important transport functions, delivering nutrients, oxygen and other essential substances as well as hormones and other signal substances to cells in almost every part of the body, and transporting waste products away from those cells. White blood cells play an important role in the immune system, protecting against foreign threats such as bacteria and other infectious agents. The blood system thus has a central role in the body, working together with many other systems.
The area of haematology covers a wide range of diseases and problems, including those involving red and white blood cells, coagulation and platelets, and bone marrow. Some diseases of the blood are malignant, involving cancer, while others are benign.
Haemophilia is a type of bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. Appropriate management aims to help people with haemophilia to live full, healthy and active lives, with the same opportunities as anyone else.
Together with Sanofi, we provide treatments for haemophilia A and haemophilia B. Our ambition in haemophilia is to enable access to our treatments for everyone in our territory - Europe, most countries in the Middle East, North Africa and Russia - who has a need. Through our partnership with Sanofi and the wider haemophilia community, we are actively seeking to find solutions for the challenges facing all people with haemophilia.
Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterised by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. It comes in several forms, including an autoimmune form (ITP), another connected to chronic liver disease (CLD), and can also be a result of chemotherapy.
We provide access to a treatment for thrombocytopenia.